Back from injury, at the end of 2017, 2018 started slowly and softly, and ended with a new re-start, after another injury…    But it nevertheless was a year full of running emotions and kilometers...    1702km...    (a…

1702km to say goodbye to 2018

Actu urbirun

Back from injury, at the end of 2017, 2018 started slowly and softly, and ended with a new re-start, after another injury…

But it nevertheless was a year full of running emotions and kilometers…


(a really interactive post with plenty of underlined links and plenty of maps, a post that you should share to make us very happy)

And of course HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 to all of you !!!

1702.75 km = 1’057.57 miles… That is :

*4’255 stadium loops, or more than 40 marathons

*141.9km monthly, injury and knee surgery included

*154 days with runnning

*An average 11.05km (6.83miles) and 1h00 for each run

*6.42 days running, that is 6 days and 6 nights, 10 hours and 5 minutes running

*Average 5'26/km – 11.05km/h

*Total ascent 17’541m (57’550 feet)

*Calories (according to Garmin) : 120’436 kcal

  • That is 241 chocolate 100g tablets (500kcal/100g), so about 24.1kg (52.9 lbs)
  • or 301.1 liters of beer (40kcal par dl), 151 large beers (total 10’178 fl oz).
  • or 150.43kg pasta, that is 752 tomato spaghetti plates, without cheese (80kcal/100g), it’s 160 kcal for a 200g pasta plate…

That means for example, running about :

  • from my home to Sevilla, southern Spain, passing by Barcelona, and Valencia (1795km)

  • it’s more than running from the White House in Washington DC to Trump’s favorite golf club where he flees more often than he should,  in Mar a Lago, West Palm Beach, Florida (1651km)

  • it running around Switzerland, from Lyon to Strasbourg, then Munich, and Milan, before running back to Lyon (1666km) 

  • running around southern France, from Lyon to Nice, then Marseille and Bordeaux, and back to Lyon (1706km)

  • from Madrid to Florence passing by Marseille and Nice (1686km)

  • from Québec City to Chicago (1600km)

  • from Paris to Sévilla (1675km)

  • from Paris to Rome passing by Marseille, Nice and Florence (1658km) (title image)
  • from Bordeaux to Copenhagen (1678km)

  • from Barcelona to Berlin (1731km)
  • from Geneva to Lisbon (1759km)
  • from Zurich to Stockholm (1729km)

(for the last 3, maps are at the end of the page)

There was in particular:

The winter frozen runs,

A run in London, interrupted by gastroenteritis, that almost ended in a disaster on the street. It was to create our 5th tour in this city

A run on the boardwalk along Bournemouth Beach.

The spring, the sun and the heat, coming back.

The running tour of Munich with Stéphane and Jean, and surfers, before drinking in the sun in the Biergartens of the incredible English Garden.

The Lausanne 20K, commented by urbirun, with my 2nd best time on this race.

The discovery of Yverdon-les-Bains, a nice little town that wanted an urbirun tour to be created there.

The races of the Tour du Chablais.

Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean, running on the sand of Miami Beach.

The beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, on the west coast of Florida.

An absolutely amazing run to discover beautiful Chicago, followed by my lover on her bike – watch video here : click here for video.

The crossing you never get tired of :  Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges,

The run on the High Line and the banks of the Hudson River, to enjoy again and again the magic of running through New York.

Summer, and its heat, the lakeshore, the mountains, the pleasure of climbing a little, trail running at the foot of the Matterhorn in Zermatt, explore the forests around Morzine, and the mountains just there, behind the house.

Then the pain, the stadium loops, in a rectangle, to stay on the grass, the physio, and a new trip to the USA, without being able to run, to watch others do it on the New York Marathon. Frustration.

Porto, and its steep streets, with some friends, kind of hangover relief run.

The surgery, the physio again, then very quickly, running again, like a small miracle.

From all of these kilometers, the only ones I finally regret are the ones I did not do … No matter the cold, the wind, the rain, or the heat, no matter the desire or the fatigue, the weariness or the stress, running heals all this with a simplicity and ease that only those who run can understand … And we run, we sing, we shout, we groan, we cry, we laugh, we go for it, we drag, but we run… Alive … The magic

And now, I am looking forward to live a new year of running (the 12th), and let’s see what will be the 2019 running highlight…
And of course you’ll get new tours, to complete the 62 existing free downloadable running tours we have… For example, in 2018, we created tours in Ljubljana, Nice, Vilnius, Chicago, Saint-Petersburg, and Quebec City...