Run in Marseille - Highlights

Distance : 12.3km/7.6mi (*10.8km/6.71mi)
Elevation : medium(-high)
Rotation : clockwise
Parks/Pedestrian : 1.7km (ca. 15%)
Urban constraints : low

Suggested start : Canebière-Place Charles de Gaule / as any urbirun route, you can start wherever you want. Watch for the route rotation direction.
Public transportation : underground Noaille M2 or Vieux-Port M1

Almost all urbirun routes and running-tours are now available as .gpx file for your sport watch or smartphone, and it is here :

Marseille is radiant, bathed in sunshine and joie de vivre. This millennial city, lying on a beautiful seafront, clings to hills that offer very beautiful views. Rocky islands archipelago off-shore, tiny secret coves and hidden harbor in the heart of the city, narrow alleys, and village atmosphere. A cross between European and North african cultures, Eastern and Western, Marseille is the Mediterranean. Climb it, let the sound of the sea pace your run, plunge into its History and its stories. Come, let's take you around...

*Alternative route : you can shorten the tour after Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica. The short tour doesn't include the street along the sea (Kennedy Corniche)
You will be able to choose between different distances during your run.

NB : if you are unsure, check your position on the map and the track.

You prefer to get the .gpx file of this tour, directly for your smartwatch or smartphone? get it here for less than an energy bar !

urbirun Marseille 12km - tour.gpx urbirun Marseille 10.5km -tour.gpx