Tallin, Highlights    Tallin's old town is amazing, and we will take you to the the most remarkable landmarks and beautiful viewpoints, on a very charming short 5.3km tour.  But you can extend it and…

Run in Tallin

Tallin, distance: 5.3km

Distance 2 routes available : 5.3km or 9.2km
Elevation difference medium
Direction clockwise for all 2 tours
Urban constraints low
Proposed start

Like all urbirun routes, you can start wherever you like. Pay attention to the direction of the tour.

Tallin, Highlights

Tallin's old town is amazing, and we will take you to the the most remarkable landmarks and beautiful viewpoints, on a very charming short 5.3km tour.
But you can extend it and pick the 9.2km tour, that will as well take you to the seashore, see some boats and a strange building.
A beautiful run !

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Tour preview

Capture Tallin 5.3.JPG
Capture Tallin 9.2.JPG

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