Run in London - Thames and more
Distance : 9.7km/6mi (*7.4km/4.6mi)
Elevation : flat
Direction : linear, one way (east to west)
Parks/Pedestrian : 5.4km/3.35mi (ca. 56%)
Urban constraints : low
Start 1 (9.7km) : White chapel Underground station / Start 2 (7.4km) : Tower Hill Underground station / Finish : Big Ben, Westminster
Like any urbirun route, you can start wherever you want. Watch for route direction (from east to west)
Public transportation : White Chapel station, Circle line, District Line, Hammersmith Line / Tower Hill Station Circle line, District line / Westminster Circle line, District line, Jubilee line.
Starting at White Chapel and crossing the former docks area, this beautiful run along the Thames offers great views of London's main monuments, along the charming pedestrian path created on the South Bank.
*Alternative route : you can choose between 2 starts for 9.7km or 7.4km. You can shorten both routes (-1km) by not crossing Millenium Bridge. Simply continue along the river, to the next bridges, and then urbirun will guide you.
You prefer to get the .gpx file of this tour, directly for your smartwatch or smartphone? get it here for less than an energy bar !
urbirun London Tamise 9.9km - tour.gpxShorter tour (8.4km), only to Westminster Bridge instead of Lambeth Birdge.
urbirun London Tamise 8.4km - tour.gpx