In the beginning, you are curious. You see the others.  It makes you more curious.

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In the beginning, you are curious. You see the others.
It makes you more curious.

In addition, these others, they encourage you…
« Try it, you’ll see, it’s good. You don’t risk anything. »
But the first time you do, you don’t like it. At all.
Oh no. You cough, you spit. You even feel nauseous.
Your body rebels. You body is warning you : « Be careful, if you start, you’re not gonna stop ».
Everyone says it.
Those who tasted. And even those who didn’t. They know.
But you feel stronger. You are different.
“I stop whenever I want.”
Besides, you want to stop.
And you could. It is not too late yet.
You often wonder why you started. Why are you doing this.
But there are others. Then you continue. Despite your doubts.
Deep down you know.
It will soon be too late. It’s not so bad. You cough less. Your body complains less and less.
Others clap you on the back.
They laugh: “See how good it is.”
You’re not really convinced. But they understand you. They support you.
They tell you how to enjoy it. What to do. They tell veterans stories.
You think you’re not like them. You’ll never be.
They invite you to parties.
You take some more.
You taste some better ones.
You miss it. But no, you’re not a junkie. Not you.
You are irritable. Aggressive. Tired.
Your body is tingling.
You need it. You need your fix.
You go get some.
You do not need others anymore.
You have your own network.
You go to parties. On your own.
Even if you don’t know anyone.
You know you will find it.
You’ll have some more.
Some bad trips. Your body fights, rebels. Doubts are back.
But your will is too strong. Too weak.
You keep doing it. You are high.
It’s good.
Fortunately you’re not like the others.
Not you.
You stop whenever you want.
It comforts you.
Yet the next day you go again. Despite yourself.
You put your shoes on.
And you go out. Running.