Run in Bern
Distance : 12km / 7.4mi (7.7km/4.8mi)
Elevation : high (200m)
Rotation : clockwise
Parks/Pedestrian : 7.5km/4.65 (ca 63%)
Urban constraints : low
Suggested start : Train Station Square / as any urbirun route, you can start wherever you want. Watch for the route rotation direction.
Public transportation : Most trams and bus / Bern Bahnhof Station
How not to seduced by the Swiss capital, nestled in the meanders of the Aar. The Federal Palace, clinging to the cliff, and in the heart of a very extensive Old Town whose facades have not changed since the Middle Ages. We will guide you to enjoy the best views, run on peaceful paths along the Aar River, wave to bears, and enjoy nature in a forest almost in the heart of the city. Everything a runner can dream of comes together in one route. An unforgettable run.
*Alternative route : shorter tour without Dählhölzli Forest and part of the Aar River Banks
You'll be able to select between different distances during your run.
NB : if you are unsure, check your position on the map and the track.
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urbirun Berne 11.9km/tour.gpx urbirun Berne, petit parcours 7.7km/tour.gpx