Run in London - Notting Hill and Regent's Canal    Starting from the delicious Notting Hill Neighborhood, you will run along the Regent's Canal, a peaceful haven in the heart of the city, to the…

Running in London - Notting Hill and Regent's Canal

London, distance: 9.9km

Distance 9.9km (5.8mi) /*7.5km (4.65mi) if you stop at Camden Lock
Elevation difference flat
Direction linear from west to east
Park / pedestrian 5.75km (ca 58%)
Urban constraints very low
Proposed start Notting Hill Gate, into Pembridge Road
Arrival Saint-Pancras Station
Public transports start Underground, Circle, District, Central lines - Station Notting Hill Gate
Public transports arrival Underground Circle, Northern, Victoria, Piccadilly, Metropolitan, Hammersmith - Station King's Cross/St Pancras
Proposed start

Notting Hill Gate, into Pembridge Road
Like all urbirun routes, you can start wherever you like. Pay attention to the direction of the tour.

Run in London - Notting Hill and Regent's Canal

Starting from the delicious Notting Hill Neighborhood, you will run along the Regent's Canal, a peaceful haven in the heart of the city, to the busy aisles of Camden Market, before continuing along the canal to the beautiful St. Pancras train station.

A more secret London, which is well worth a visit. Beware love at first sight may happen...

*Alternative route : you can shorten the route to 7.5km by stopping at Camden Lock. At Camden main bridge, turn right into Camden High Street, to the Underground station Camden Town (northern line), ca 300m south of the bridge.

NB : if unsure, check your position on the map and the track.


Many other different runs are available to run and explore London, as self-audioguided running-tours, that you can find on this website, or as .gpx files. Don't miss the urbirun gpx routes boutique.


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I wanted to comment the run I did in London. I selected the "Notting Hill & Regent's Canal" tour. As a visit it was very cool, Notting Hill and along the canal are really beautiful places to run, not much traffic and quiet. The explanations were interesting too. On the way to Paddington, the directions were really clear, but the direction at the station was late and when I was told to run down the stairs, I had already passed it, so I hade to run back for a few meters (probably a delay with my GPS=. But it was not a big issue. Only a detail, and I easily survived this, and then all the directions were clear and told at the right moment. I really appreciated running through the city like this, and I probably wouldn't have done it without urbirun. My parents alos used it for a walk, and liked the experience. (Alana, 19, via e-mail) (translation from french by urbirun)

Alana - August 20th 2017

The route is OK, but the explanations are too short.

Marcio - July 14th 2017

Memory of my 3rd and last run in the streets of London. On the advice of @urbirun I tested one of the tours available with this appl. Start from Notting Hill, where I had a crush! ... (yes the word play is easy, but I had to do it!) Direction Camden Market along Regent's canal and Regent park and I finished the route at King cross. And since I was there, I searched for the Harry Potter 9 3/4 platform. Unfortunately I could not go back to Hogwarts. For my next trip, the urbirun app is adopted !!!! Great week!! (Published by @cedrun33 on instagram, 26.12.2016) (translation from french by urbirun)

cedrun33 - December 26th 2016

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