Brussels is diverse. A modern city with an ancestral past, the royal, national and continental capital, it sometimes gives the impression of being too diverse to have a real character. But that is where…

Run in Brussels - Highlights

Brussels, distance: 11.6km

Distance 11.6km / 7.2mi (*9.3km/5.75mi)
Elevation difference low
Rotation counterclockwise
Park / pedestrian 3.2km (ca 28%)
Urban constraints medium
Proposed start De Munt Square
Public transports underground De Brouckere station - lines 1 and 5
Proposed start

De Munt Square
Like all urbirun routes, you can start wherever you like. Pay attention to the direction of the tour.

Brussels is diverse. A modern city with an ancestral past, the royal, national and continental capital, it sometimes gives the impression of being too diverse to have a real character. But that is where its character comes from. Its most emblematic monument? a small statue that pees in fancy clothes. Its favorite dish: beer and fries. Light minded, Brussels is no less serious, and you will discover a rich history, a well-tempered character that lead the country tto independence. On top of all that, you are in the administrative heart of Europe... From narrow streets to gree parks, you will pace a capital whose walls are adorned with comic strips. Brussels, has a mood all of its own.

*Alternative route : during your run you'll have the possibility to select the shorter tour (8.35km). This tour doesn't go nor pass the Fiftieth Park.

NB : if you are unsure, check your position on the map and the track.

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