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Join de urbirun newsletterYou love to run and explore when travelling, you love urbirun, and you are looking forwrd to your next citybreak?
You are right !
But urbirunning (for free) in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities generates some accessory costs, which can vary greatly depending on the destination.
Indeed, for of 2 days trip, the difference can be up to 500 euros (or CHF 535.00).
Selma, a financial consulting firm, carried out a study, taking into account the costs for a standard trip for two persons : two nights in a double room, two lunch and dinner, a taxi ride, daily Public transport, drinks, coffee, visiting a museum, sightseeing by bus, and tickets to a tourist attraction. Note that the transportation costs are not included, because depending on where you’re flying from.
And rightly, the study did not considered the free cost of the urbirun tour…
On this basis, here is where you can run and visit with the lowest budget, from the cheapest to the most expensive city:
Warsaw (soon, but we already have Krakow for Poland), about CHF 275.00 (256 euros)
Budapest (soon), about CHF 310.00 (289 euros)
Prague (urbirun!), Around CHF 375.00 (350 euros)
Berlin (2 urbirun tours!), about 435.00 (406 euros)
Vienna (urbirun!), about CHF 470.00 (438 euros)
Madrid (soon urbirunnable), about CHF 485.00 (453 euros)
Rome (2 urbirun tours), about CHF 515.00 (481 euros)
Brussels (soon), about CHF 520.00 (485 euros)
Barcelona (2 urbirun tours), about CHF 530.00 (495 euros)
Dublin (soon), about CHF 530.00 (495 euros)
Helsinki (soon) about CHF 575.00 (537 euros)
Copenhagen (urbirun!), about CHF 610.00 (569 euros)
Amsterdam (urbirun!), about CHF 615.00 (574 euros)
Stockholm (urbirun!), about CHF 645.00 (602 euros)
Paris (3 urbirun tours!), about CHF 690.00 (644 euros)
Oslo (soon urbirunnable), about CHF 690.00 (644 euros)
London (3 urbirun tours!), about CHF 750.00 (700 euros)
Zurich (urbirun!), about CHF 810.00 (756 euros)
In Zurich the coffee will cost twice as much as in Prague, and the beer will be more expensive in Paris or Oslo only… Oslo where a 5km taxi ride will be you 6 times more expensive than in Warsaw…
But even in Zurich your own private urbirun runningtour will be free, as in all other cities…
So it’s clear, you’ve better to run … That’s why we do our best to regularly add urbirun tour in new cities, in order that you can enjoy a very cool, awesome, healthy and free activity in these beautiful cities…
Source :—23589655