Run in Paris - Along the Seine from Louvre to Eiffel Tower    This route will show you most of Paris main landmarks, along the Seine, from the best point of views and approach : Le Louvre, Trocadero Gardens,…

Running in Paris - Along the Seine from Louvre to Eiffel Tower

Paris, distance: 10.9km

Distance 10.9km / 6.8mi
Elevation difference flat
Rotation counterclockwise
Park / pedestrian ca 50% (down on the quays)
Urban constraints parisian...
Public transports Concorde Station - underground lines 1, 8 or 12
Proposed start Concorde Square
Proposed start

Concorde Square
Like all urbirun routes, you can start wherever you like. Pay attention to the direction of the tour.

Run in Paris - Along the Seine from Louvre to Eiffel Tower

This route will show you most of Paris main landmarks, along the Seine, from the best point of views and approach : Le Louvre, Trocadero Gardens, Eiffel Tower, etc. And you’ll cross some of Paris most iconic bridges, along the Seine River. I bet you’re going to take some pictures.

NB : if you feel unsure, check your position on the map and the track.


And you can also run this other exclusive route, along the Seine to cross 16 of Paris most iconic bridges with unforgettable views (linear west to east 12.6km gpx route)
Start : Mirabeau Bridge (underground Mirabeau Station, line 10)
Finish : Simone de Beauvoir Footbridge (underground Bercy, lines 6 and 15)

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